About Us

With our innovative vision, we have been playing a pioneering role in the media for more than 25 years, from distribution to production, from agriculture to animal husbandry.

We know the value of labor, resources, our country and humanity, and we work to add value to our society, our world and our common future.

Our goal is to provide higher benefits with our products and services, and to always be innovative and pioneering with our companies and brands. Our corporate approach is to ensure sustainability as the first choice of our customers and business partners with our service and product quality.

Innovative, pioneering, inclusive, quality and sustainable services

Calinos is named after the famous physician and philosopher from Pergamon, also known as the father of physicians of Ancient Rome. We aim for a healthy and sustainable future for the world with an innovative, pioneering, inclusive and high-quality approach in our work.

For more than 25 years, we have been operating in the fields of agriculture and animal husbandry, especially in the media, for national and international markets. As Calinos Holding, we carry out our activities in a strong and efficient manner thanks to the strategic collaborations we have established with international groups in the wide geography in which we operate with our offices in five different countries.

As Calinos Holding, we continue to grow with our pioneering entrepreneurial spirit, open to change, and our goal of adding positive innovations to the world with over 200 employees. We lead ourselves first by synthesizing our values with a quality and customer-oriented management approach and effective teamwork. We know the value of each other’s labor, our resources and humanity, and we act responsibly and transparently by embracing our work with passion.

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Hourly Series
Calinos from Yesterday to Today

Gülgen Film Filmcilik Sinemacılık Trade Limited Company

Gülgen Film Filmcilik Sinemacılık Ticaret Limited Şirketi was established in 1982 and became part of Calinos Holding A.Ş. in May 2009. Gülgen's main field of activity is film production.


Calinos Entertainment

Calinos Entertainment, which has been instrumental in our country's series exports with its investments in the media sector and arts and has a big share in its growth, was established in 1999.


Calinos Filmcilik Reklamcılık Yayıncılık Sanayi ve Dış Ticaret Limited Şirketi

Calinos Filmcilik Reklamcılık Yayıncılık Sanayi ve Dış Ticaret Limited Şirketi was established in 2000. Calinos Filmcilik's main field of activity is to import and export all kinds of cinema and television films and to provide consultancy services to domestic and foreign companies related to films.


Medya Skala Filmcilik ve Ticaret Anonim Şirketi

Medya Skala Filmcilik Reklamcılık Yayıncılık Sanayi ve Dış Ticaret Limited Şirketi was established in 2004. The main field of activity of Medya Skala is to produce, import and export all kinds of cinema and television films, and to provide all kinds of advertising services to domestic and foreign companies related to films.


Cıngıllı Organic Agriculture Enterprises Inc.

Cıngıllı Organik Tarım İşletmeleri A.Ş. was established in 2004 and joined Calinos Group in 2008. Cıngıllı's main fields of activity are organic agriculture and animal husbandry.


Calinos Holding Joint Stock Company

Calinos Holding A.Ş. was established in 2009. Calinos Holding's main field of activity is to acquire and transfer the shares of other Group companies, to participate in their capital and to ensure the continuity of these companies. Calinos Holding A.Ş. is a subsidiary of Calinos Films, Gülgen, Kenz Enerji, Tivi Yayıncılık, Tivi2 Yayıncılık, Orbis Film, Itkan İnşaat and Leben Tarım Hayvancılık Gıda San. And Tic. A.Ş.


Calinos Film

Founded in 2010, Calinos Films has quickly become one of the fastest growing film distribution companies in Turkey, importing high quality and high budget productions, independent, award-winning and prestigious foreign films.


Leben Agriculture Livestock Food Industry and Trade Inc.

Leben Agriculture Livestock Food Industry and Trade Joint Stock Company was established in 2011 in Niğde. The company started production at full capacity in 2014. The Company's existing cows are Holsteins, a breed well known for its advanced genetics in milk production. The main activity of the Company is the production and sale of raw milk.


Orbis Film Limited

Orbis Film Ltd. was established in 2011. The main activity of Orbis Film Production Ltd. is series and movie production services.


Gülbahar Dairy Products Livestock Industry and Trade Limited Company

Gülbahar Süt Ürünleri Hayvancılık Sanayi ve Ticaret Limited Şirketi was established in Niğde in 2011. The main activity of the company is to carry out the planning, arrangement, maintenance and repair of urban, rural, cultural and social green areas, to carry out the production, purchase, sale, import, export, wholesale and retail trade and marketing of the necessary materials and materials related to this, and all kinds of pesticides and pesticides related to human health, liquid and solid foliar fertilizers, agricultural tools, tools and equipment, machinery and their spare parts manufacturing, trading, importing and exporting, representation of other companies, project design, repair and maintenance of agricultural products for production.


İtkan Construction Contracting Industry and Trade Inc.

İtkan Construction was established in 2011. Its main field of activity is construction services.


Kehrüba Enerji Elektrik Üretim Anonim Şirketi

Kehrüba Enerji Elektrik Üretim Anonim Şirketi was established in 2012. The Company's principal activity is the generation of electrical energy. There are SPP investments in Niğde.


Calinos Holding

As Calinos Holding, with our pioneering entrepreneurial spirit that is open to change, we continue to grow with our goal of adding positive innovations to the world with our 13 organizations and more than 200 employees.